konbanwa !!!
it almost midnight,isn't it?here it's about 11.54 p.m wohoooo
and my brother has slept well with a little snore hihi.what about me?well,my eyes become blur because of tears.yup! i've watched MATA NAJWA on metro tv.it told about habibie's story.and you know what?the story was so touching.oh gosh!he was so devoted.
when ibu ainun was sick and she stayed at hospital,bpk habibie never wanted to go home.he wanted to stay beside ibu ainun.he tried to speak with ibu ainun,although ibu ainun never brought her voice up.she just noded.it means she was agree with bpk habibie's say. guys!i never see a man who has an attitude like him. it was so touching.

there was a little story about them
bpk habibie :"apa kamu punya pacar?"
ibu ainun just kept silence.it looked like she didn't want to answer.so,bpk habibie explained why she asked her.
bpk habibie :"saya mau tau karna saya tidak mau ganggu rencana masa depan kamu."
ibu ainun saw bpk habibie's eyes and she smiled.
ibu ainun :"tidak.saya tidak punya kawan khusus."
yup!that was so simple,but it was so meaningful for them.it was a begin for their relationship and finally they were getting married on may,12,1962. two years before my mom was born.
guys!bpk habibie never stop to say thank you to Allah.SWT. because he has a wonderful wife like ibu ainun.
bpk.habibie is a best figure for men and ibu ainun is a best figure for women.
bpk habibie : "Peran Ibu sangat menentukan, setiap saat yg sy lihat wajahnya, dia menenangkan, dia mendoakan, dia berikan coretan2 Al-quran."
Arlis: "Ainun bisa menempatkan diri pada yang seharusnya."
from all statements we can know that ibu ainun is loved by her family,her friends and many people who know her including me.
the conclusion: "a good woman will get a good man.so,let be a good woman!"