good an early morning bloggers!!it haa? it has been midnight but i'm still having an intimate relationship with my lappie. im preparing something "special" tomorrow.what is that?wanna know?hah?huh?that is EXAM!!
besok itu bakal ada 2 ujian dan gue bener- bener nggak konsesn buat belajar. banyak yang dipikirin. mulai dari banyaknya slide yg mesti dipelajari, apa yang bakal gue jawab besok sampe masalah asmara gue. guys you know i should learn more than 100 slides!! tetapi itu udah biasa buat seorang mahasiswa kan ya?tapi yang menjadi permasalahan itu ada di hati gue. kenapa? my boy has been hospitalized for 4 days. day by day his condition is getting down. ga ada perubahan yang berarti. gue takut....takut banget.
tapi gue mesti berperang buat besok!!buat 2 ujian!!tapi dipikiran gue masih berkecamuk. too complicated. too hard but should pass it. gue ga boleh diem dengan melihat slide- slide terus mikirin kondisi cowo gue. karna dengan diam itu ga bakal menghasilkan apa- apa. well gue jadi curcol di sini. sorry ya hehe habisnya gue bingung mesti gimana. gue mohon doa dari kalian yang membaca blog ini. wish my boy getting better than before amin :)
Senin, 09 Januari 2012
too hard but should pass it
Kamis, 05 Januari 2012
the new me
well it has been one year and too many changing which i get. now i'm not student for senior high school anymore but i'm a student for college!!! yipppiiii *so happy*
udah lama gak nulis rasanya aneh.kenapa??karena berasa jadi "a new blogger" lagi or may be "a new comer". udah lupa gimana caranya buat edit- edit blog. jadi ingat dulu seriiing banget buat gonta ganti blog ujung- ujungnya gak keurus hehehe.too many stories that i should share to you bloggers!start from detik- detik menjelang pengumuman SNMPTN Undangan till what?till now of course.
before that....
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
miss my blog so much!i was busy with my schedule and had no time for making a post in my blog
and now i'm freeeeeeeeeeeee!!
well well,udah mau akhir tahun dan itu berarti masuk ke awal yang baru dan memulai semuanya dari awal dan itu juga pertanda masa- masa terakhir gue di SMA.damn it!
well well,i'm in holiday right now! but i have no plan for going to somewhere.take me out from this boredom huh
Kamis, 16 September 2010
have you visited Pekanbaru? (Part 1)
my life., pancarobahalooo long time no posting :)
well this week is so tiring huhu and i have no times to post a thread.sorry for this guys
i wanna tell you about my beloved and the hottest-city *i think*
let's begin!

then this is Pekanbaru city from the top

give applause! plok plok
nah this is it!Pustaka Wilayah Soeman HS.i'm in love with this library because it's an interesting building.from the top in this library we can see Pekanbaruuuu and you know?on the night it's so beautiful.

beside that,Pekanbaru has some tourisms object and the famous one is Alam it is some picture about Alam Mayang:

di Alam Mayang sendiri ada fasilitas outbond it is:

beside that,kita juga bisa nikmatin pemandangan danau yg ada di alam mayang dengan naik kendaraan satu ini:

well guys,i can't explain one by one about my city.because i have no time :)
so,i'll continue this in my next posting.
it has been 01.27 a.m and i should off to bed because i'll go to school on 06.30 a.m
how poor i am!!see yaa :*
Minggu, 05 September 2010
little house-amanda seyfried
lyricsBut it's haunted without you
My tired heart is beating so slow
Our hearts sing this
That we want it we want it
Our hearts sing 'cause
We do not know we do not know
To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know)
You can catch me
Don't you run
Don't you run
If you live another day
In this happy little house
The fire's here to stay
To light the night
To help us grow
To help us grow
It is not said I always know)
Please don't make a fuss
It won't go away
The wonder of it all
The wonder that I make
I am here to stay
I am here to stay
To stay
Holiday (!)
my life., Senior High School, weekendHuaah hello blogger!
I've been missing you huhu
i'm on mobile right now because there's a problem with internet connection in my house.well I'M FREE GUYS!
Holiday has come and i'm really excited :o
btw,it's too late to say "WELCOME HOLIDAY!"
what about your holiday?i'm just stay at home.but i have many things to do like baking the cookies,helping my mom and studying.
Yup!i'm grade 3 in SHS and i'll face some exams to come in to college :o
i need your pray guys :)
well see you at next posting :*
Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010
sampe saat ini gue nggak tau itu kata berasal dari mana.tapi kalau ngucapin kata itu ada kebanggan tersendiri. bangga karna pahlawan indonesia telah membuat negara ini merdeka bangga karna nasionalisme rakyat indonesia tinggi bangga karna prestasi putra putri indonesia bangga karna indonesia punya aku (?) *well don't mind this udah 65 tahun Indonesia merdeka,pernah gak sih kalian ngebayangin perjuangan para pahlawan?terjadinya perang di berbagai daerah di Indonesia cuma buat satu kata "MERDEKA" we have to be grateful.kalau saat itu pahlawan tidak berjuang keras buat melawan penjajah munkin sampai saat ini kita masih hidup di bawah kekuasaan Jepang ataupun Belanda. so,dengan perjuangan para pahlawan yang segitu berat apa kita mesti gak datang waktu upacara 17 agustus yg diadakan sekali setahun? *curhat ceritanya* it's not fair guys!we have to appreciate their efforts.they had sacrificed many things for this country. well i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY COUNTRY,INDONESIA!!