halooo long time no posting :)
well this week is so tiring huhu and i have no times to post a thread.sorry for this guys
i wanna tell you about my city.my beloved and the hottest-city *i think*
let's begin!
first i wanna show you Mesjid Agung Annur's picture on the night.it's so beautiful dude >.<

then this is Pekanbaru city from the top

give applause! plok plok
nah this is it!Pustaka Wilayah Soeman HS.i'm in love with this library because it's an interesting building.from the top in this library we can see Pekanbaruuuu and you know?on the night it's so beautiful.

beside that,Pekanbaru has some tourisms object and the famous one is Alam Mayang.here it is some picture about Alam Mayang:

di Alam Mayang sendiri ada fasilitas outbond loh.here it is:

beside that,kita juga bisa nikmatin pemandangan danau yg ada di alam mayang dengan naik kendaraan satu ini:

well guys,i can't explain one by one about my city.because i have no time :)
so,i'll continue this in my next posting.
it has been 01.27 a.m and i should off to bed because i'll go to school on 06.30 a.m
how poor i am!!see yaa :*
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