Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

the new me

guyss!!!really miss my blog so damn much
well it has been one year and too many changing which i get. now i'm not student for senior high school anymore but i'm a student for college!!! yipppiiii *so happy*

udah lama gak nulis rasanya aneh.kenapa??karena berasa jadi "a new blogger" lagi or may be "a new comer". udah lupa gimana caranya buat edit- edit blog. jadi ingat dulu seriiing banget buat gonta ganti blog ujung- ujungnya gak keurus hehehe.too many stories that i should share to you bloggers!start from detik- detik menjelang pengumuman SNMPTN Undangan till what?till now of course.

before that....

please welcome the new me

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